Kinetic Sculpture
Software to Architecture for the Junior Kinetic Sculpture Project
This is the complete list of members for Motor, including all inherited members.
decreasePercentage(double step) | Motor | inline |
FULL_OFF | Motor | |
FULL_ON | Motor | |
getDirection() | Motor | inline |
getMaxUsablePercent() | Motor | inline |
getMinUsablePercent() | Motor | inline |
getPercentage() | Motor | inline |
getRotationsPerMinute() | Motor | inline |
getTachAttachedPin() | Motor | inline |
increasePercentage(double step) | Motor | inline |
interruptServiceRoutine() | Motor | inline |
Motor(byte direction, byte pwm, byte tachPin) | Motor | inline |
percentage | Motor | |
runMotor(double percent) | Motor | inline |
setMaxUsablePercent(byte percent) | Motor | inline |
setMinimumUsablePercent(byte percent) | Motor | inline |
setupMotor() | Motor | inline |
turnOffMotor() | Motor | inline |
turnOnMotor() | Motor | inline |
turnPercentIntoPwm(double percent) | Motor | inline |