This exercise provides starting code. Do you want to overwrite your current code?
Welcome to Giffer Reborn!
This window will outline the features of Giffer Reborn. To see this window again, click "Show Help" under "Tools".
Working with exercises
To load an exercise, type the exercise number into the exercise field and press load.
Some exercises provide some starting code! Be sure to load the exercise before you start working.
If you want to edit the board, or experiment, you should "Clear Exercise".
Under the "Debugging" tab, there is a checkbox to "Enable Breakpoints".
If you click next to a line number on the left of your code, you can add a breakpoint.
When breakpoints are enabled, the program will halt execution when it reaches the breakpoint.
Once the program has halted, you can view the current variables and their values.
You can press "Step" to step to the next line of execution, this might take you into a function.
You can press "Continue" to skip to the next breakpoint.
At any time during debugging, you can disable breakpoints to finish executing.
Once you've solved an exercise, you can click "Copy Page".
Then, read the directions in the console for how to submit to NEO.
Upload Light Sculpture File
Please select a Light Sculpture file to use. Make yours here.
Change Theme
Font Size
Generate Exercise
Board Type
At time (ms)
Change pin
To value
Export Exercise
Board Type currently selected board
Board Configuration current configuration (keyframes, etc)
Correct FrameManager current FrameManager (as shown by gif)