Homing an ODrive Motor

Sometimes, your motor setup will not be able to spin indefinitely. You may be constrained by walls that your motor has to move within. In this case, it is useful to home your motor position so that you have a relative starting position when your application starts up for the first time. You can either use a dedicated switch/sensor to trigger the home position, or you can softly rotate your motor into a wall until it cannot move anymore. Both methods are highlighted below as ax.home_with_endstop and ax.home_without_endstop respectively.

from dpea_odrive.odrive_helpers import *
od = find_odrive()
assert od.config.enable_brake_resistor is True, "Check for faulty brake resistor."

ax = ODriveAxis(od.axis0)
if not ax.is_calibrated():

# ax.home_with_endstop(1, .5, 2)  # Home with velocity 1 to sensor on GPIO Pin 2, then offset .5 rotations
ax.home_without_endstop(1, .5)  # Home with velocity 1 until wall is hit, then offset .5 rotations
print("Current Position in Turns = ", round(ax.get_pos(), 2))  # should be at 0.0
