
You now know how to make things in python! How, though, are we going to display that to the end user?

At the Engineering Academy, we use the library Kivy for user interfaces (UIs). These are hosted on touch screen tablets connected to Rasberry Pis, which are tiny processors running a stripped down version of Linux. What this means is that anything that runs on your computer and accessible through the mouse and keyboard should be directly transferrable to the Raspberry Pis, so you can test out all of your ideas on a local machine and just send it over when your project is all done and ready! Dope.

(include some information on installing pycharm here)

The Basics

Personally, I’m not a fan of video tutorials. If that’s your jam, however, there’s two options available to you: this page, or these tutorials by Tech with Tim: go up to the sixth video. Be sure to follow along by actually typing down and creating whatever Tech with Tim is in his videos, as it’s super helpful for developing an intuition of how to solve problems with the interface and provides some familiarity with the development of your UIs.

Note that these guides do contain slightly different pieces of information. This text guide should be a little bit more tailor made to the specific flavor of Kivy that we use in the DPEA, though you’ll definitely be able to piece together how many of the DPEA utilities work with some trial and error.


Create a file named The easiest way to do so is to right click your project folder name -> new -> define a new python file. This is shown below:

creating new file

Let’s begin by importing some utilities.

import kivy
from import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label


Let’s now create the main class that defines our application. This class inherits from the App class, which is what we imported above in our utilities. This means that a lot of the boilerplate in the basic functions of the app are already filled in for you by Kivy themselves. Pretty sweet!

We also have a build functions bound to our MyApp class that takes in a Label widget [what we imported above], and passes in a textual parameter. We also specify that, if you’re running this file directly, to display the application in question to the user using the run method.

Where does the run function come from? Where is the init function for this class? All of this is done implicitly through inheritance, as by default the superclass constructor is called and superclass methods are accessible through good old dot notation.

class main(App):

    def build(self):
        return Label(text = "put your name in here!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Paste this in and check out what happens. You should also be able to dynamically resize your window, one of the great features of the App class we inherited from.

We don’t technically have to include the if main conditional, but it’s just good pythonic practice as to not run things where you don’t want to.

Relevant Information

Just a brief note on the design principle of the Kivy language. Everything is centered around the idea of widgets: which, similar to objects, encapsulate design elements into a descrete package. It gets a little bit complicated, as you’ll end up nesting many of these widgets together: for instance, a button is a Widget, but a Layout, used to space out buttons, is also a Widget, as well as the screen that ecompasses all elements on the canvas. This widget-ception definitely takes some time to wrap your head around, but it’ll hopefully make more sense as we continue onto more tangible examples.

There’s also one more thing to discuss – the seperation of programmatic and design elements. Kivy is very explicit in not wanting these two elements to intermingle, providing very few options to allow users to perofrm both of these tasks in the same file. In fact, kivy makes this so explicit that you’re essentially required to use a seperate design language in .kv files in order to structure and place all of your elements down onto a canvas.

First .kv file

Alright, let’s start off with your first .kv file. The restrictions on the naming convention of your file are:

  1. It must be all lowercase
  2. If your “build” class ends in app, you can’t include it in your file name. (the easy way to avoid this restriction is just to not name the class doing the building with app.)
  3. It must end with .kv
  4. It must be stored in the same directory as your python file

For our filename, we’ll call it main.kv. Create it using the same process as your file, but with the general file creation command rather than the one specifically for Python files.

Your Python File

We’ll need to import the button class to be able to import it. However, we’ll be using a modified version of the button class, the DPEAButton, which offers a suite of features that make it execptionally useful for seamless placement and integration of buttons into your UI.

from pidev.kivy import DPEAButton

We’ll also need some other utilities for the screen, connecting the .kv and .py files, and changing the color of your window.

from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.core.window import Window


Remember that widget model I discussed earlier? It’s pertinent now, because we’ll be using Screens to add elements to our canvas. We often have multiple screens, with interactions between them: to manage those, let’s use the ScreenManager class.

Define a screen manager objcet called ScreenManager.

SCREEN_MANAGER = ScreenManager()

Let’s also define a variable that represents the name of your main screen. This isn’t explicitly necessary, but is good practice for when you have to manage multiple screens without any ambiguity as to which screen is which.


Your First Screen

Let’s also define a new screen, below your main class To do so, we’ll need a new class – in our case, mainScreen – and we’ll need to inherit from the Screen class we recently imported. Note that, just like all Kivy classes, this is a normal python class, and there’s no strange chicanery that prevents you from doing normal python stuff. To prove this, let’s also define a function in the class, kermit, that just prints out our unconditional love of Kermit the Frog.

class mainScreen(Screen):
    def kermit(self):
        print("I love Kermit the Frog")

The .kv File

We’ll be hopping around a little bit here, but navigate to your empty .kv file. We’ll now be defining the widgets that’ll populate our main screen within your .kv file. .kv files have their own unique syntax, but the indentation system is exactly the same as in python. Let’s define the mainScreen as our root file [and be able to reference it as such] through a “class rule definition” at the start of your file. We’ll also need to specify a name attribute for the screen in order to bind it to our Python file using the builder.

We also need to define our screen as a layout. We’ll be using a FloatLayout [as we will for the majority of our projects in the EA], as they allow for essentially unbounded flexibility in operation.

We’ll also need to define a “size_hint attribute” in order to tell Kivy the scale of our layout. size_hint is an attribute for ALL widgets, and in its typical form defines the size of a widget in terms of the length of the overarching widget in decimals of x and y. For instance, defining size_hint as “size_hint: 0.9, 0.1” would be mean that we create a widget 0.9 times the width of the overarching structure, and 0.1 times the length of the overarching structure. There also is a similar attribute, pos_hint, that acts in the same way and is applicable to all widgets.

This, however, is honestly sort of inconvienient. To use absolute positions, and define the size and position of object in terms of tangible coordinates, we can use a shortcut and set the size_hint of our layout as “None, Nonpressede.” This is what all of these steps look like combined together:

    name: 'main'
        size_hint: None, None

That’s a lot of information for not a lot of text!

The Button!

We finally have the bones to be able to create our button! First, let’s define our DPEAButton:

    name: 'main'
        size_hint: None, None

We now need to give the DPEAButton attributes that identify it. All of the [general button attributes] should work, but the ones we’ll cover are the most useful.

The first trait we’ll add is an id. This allows us to identify our button and operate upon it in our button class.

We’ll also define a text parameter, which is pretty self explanatory.

The size parameter defines the size of our button, in pixels. Note that we can do this only because of the None, None on our Float Layout, otherwise we would have had to define our size using the size_hint attribute as a percentage of the total canvas.

We also have two position attributes: x and y. These are once again in pixels, using the width and length of the screen in order to get it into that format. Note that we’d have to use pos_hint if not for the None, None.

We can reference the mainScreen as root because of that <mainScreen> at the header of this block of code. Root is always going to be the screen that your brackets cover, which we’ll see come into play later on as we add more screens.

Finally, we have our color. This is in RGB format from 0-1, with the last value defining transparency, or an alpha channel. 0, 1, 0, 1 means to display just bright green with zero transparency.

    name: 'main'
        size_hint: None, None
        id: test_button
        text: 'kermit'
        size: 100, 100
        x: root.width * 0.75
        y: root.height * 0.5
        color: 0, 1, 0, 1

Connecting the two together

You’re almost done! There are just a few finishing touches we have to add in order to get everything up and running.

First off, the operations of managing the UI are going to be taken over by the Screen Manager. Let’s indicate that in our main class:

Instead of:

class main(App):

    def build(self):
        return Label(text = "put your name in here!")

Put in this:

class main(App):
    def build(self):
        return SCREEN_MANAGER

As mentioned earlier, we now need to tell the Screen Manager what part of the .kv file defines the main screen widgets, which becomes a bigger issue with multiple screens. After using the builder to get it into a machine readable form by specifying the name of the overarching Widget, we can then add this Widget to the Screen Manager.


We also would like our screen window to be white for the asthetics, which we can specify using the following command:

Window.clearcolor(1, 1, 1, 1)

Now, hit run and watch the magic happen! You should have a UI with a button with “kermit” written on it pop up on your screen in all its glory.

just as a recap, this is what your file should look like:

import kivy
from import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.core.window import Window
from pidev.kivy import DPEAButton

SCREEN_MANAGER = ScreenManager()
class main(App):
    def build(self):
        return SCREEN_MANAGER

class mainScreen(Screen):
    def kermit(self):
        print("i love kermit the frog")

Window.clearcolor = (1, 1, 1, 1)  #white. doesn't actually matter where this command is.

if __name__ == "__main__":

And your .kv file:

    name: 'main'
        size_hint: None, None
        id: test_button
        text: 'kermit'
        size: 100, 100
        x: root.width * 0.75
        y: root.height * 0.5
        color: 0, 1, 0, 1

Using the buttons

Cool! We have a nice button of any color, any size, and in any position. But how can we actually use this button?

The on_press attribute is super useful for this. You can pass in a function present in the Screen class that encompasses the .kv file, and have that function execute… on press!

Luckily, we have just the function for our button in the kermit() function. Address this in the same indentation layer as the other attributes in the following way:

on_press: root.kermit()

Similar to the root attribute definition described for the x and y attributes, root just refers to the overarching screen class that the element is contained in. This includes variables defined within the screen, such as width and height, as well as any additional functions.

Now see as our glorious king Kermit is showered with the praise he has always deserved by re-running your main class and pressing our button.

ID Based Interaction with Widgets

This is cool and all, but is there a more fluid way to be able to interact with UI elements? You can either continue to use root, or use IDs.

The first method is one you’re likely already exposed to. Try initializing a variable within your mainScreen class called “goat” that defines the string “king kermit.” Then, reference this in your button files through the root variable – root.goat – and see as that text is echoed on your button. If you modify this text, the button will reflect the changes, which can be a super powerful and elegant tool.

The more quick and dirty solution is to use IDs. For instance, let’s now define a function toggle that toggles the text on a button after being pressed.

    def toggle(self):
        if(self.ids.test_button.text == "king kermit"):
            self.ids.test_button.text = "slay!"
            self.ids.test_button.text = "king kermit"

Make this your on_press function and see what happens.

For reference, here’s a GIF:


Just a recap of how this works: we can reference button attributes based on their ids through ids... The id of our DPEA button was specified to be test_button, which is why we can reference it as such, and we can modify any attribute of this test_button: text was just an example, but color, position, and more are modifiable through teh same method. We can also get the value of these attributes through the same notation, as indicated by the conditional check.

You should now have the skills to proceed into the world of DPEA Kivy and start making your own projects. Congratulations! I know this was a long, difficult slog, but I hope that this was an informative experience and you feel a little bit more comfortable with the general structure of Kivy.

There are also some more tips and tricks that this guide doesn’t cover: while I hope to have distributed these into the other sheets, feel free to ask your peers and the instructor for help if something doesn’t make sense. Of course, try and solve the issue yourself, but there are definitely times throughout this whole process where you reach an unscalable wall without the assistance of a fellow climber.